Am I Still Their Sun? A Poem

My three shining stars

The compasses to my moral fiber

The guiding lights to all that is good in my world

The beacons that stared down my hopelessness

My three shining stars

Have begun their journey

To spread their radiance

Share their sparkle

Beyond the purlieus

Of the star cluster

From which they were formed.

I, the Mother Sun,

Gifted by God

Of these luminous new stars

Find that they have traveled

Too far away.

Their brilliance

Shining more lustrous than ever

Seems now but a soft glow

That I am sometimes

Barely able to discern

Barely able to grasp

Barely able to follow.

For I remain in the original nucleus

From where these stars

Were conceived,







And ultimately


To take their effervescent

Sparkling light

Beyond that which they’d always known

As the safe place

Bathed in the sunlight

Of the origin of their light.

Am I still their Sun?

My light has dimmed

My glow has narrowed

No longer pinpointed



Towards my now scattered shining stars.

Am I still their Sun?

The warmth of my light

Encounters a brisk

Sometimes bleak


That seems to chill

The ends

Of my ever reaching tentacles of warmth

That were previously

And constantly

Entwined amongst my stars.

The three shining stars

Now beam a dazzling light

All on their own

And their Sun

Begins to flicker,




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